classical instrumental music

Putting the Classic in Indian Classical

Ever since Ravi Shankar made the Indian classical instrument ‘Sitar’ popular in the west, the craze of using the elements of Hindustani music in composition hasn’t gone down a bit. Right from internationally loved and acclaimed bands like Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Yardbirds to stalwarts of western classical music such as Julian Bream, Yehudi Menuhin and others, everyone embraced the sound-textures, beats, and melodies of the Indian instruments. (more…)

From India, with love: Finding your musical roots

“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!”

classical indian music


The legendary writer Mark Twain quoted this to show his deep love and respect to this magnanimous country. India’s rich history in culture, learning and art knows no bound. This diverse country has left its mark on every aspect of human life. Music is no exception.

To get a feel of the depth of Indian music, ask any expert on Indian classical music about the number of instruments in India, they will still be unsure about an actual number. The depth of music in the Indian civilization is widespread and unfathomable. (more…)